27 things in 27 years

Reflecting on the last few years I realize that I have grown so much. Life has thrown curve balls at me but through it all I’m still here. I’ve learnt so much about myself and I’m still learning, here is just a few.

  1. God is my(our) EVERYTHING!!!!
  2. You are loved, immensely and overwhelmingly loved, first by God and by family and friends
  3. Love yourself the same.
  4. You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
  5. Be the best version of yourself at every given time
  6. Forgive yourself, you’ll make mistakes, learn from them and move on.
  7. Don’t let other kill your vibe, never ever.
  8. Never be afraid to be alone, you love it too much sef so no worries.
  9. It’s ok to let your weakness show, it’ll make you stronger.
  10. Ask for help often. It doesn’t make you weak
  11. Take more solo vacations.
  12. Take more group vacations.                              
  13. You are strong and strong willed, relax a little.
  14. Love is a beautiful thing, it comes with heartbreaks but don’t ever let it deter you from loving.
  15. You are smart.
  16. You are sexy as h*****
  17. Take care of your health, you are not getting any younger…..lol 30 is around the corner mehn.
  18. Pray more
  19. Say more “I LOVE YOU’s”.   
  20. Get out of your shell; you’ve got a lot more to offer than you think.
  21. You are weird and its ok, OWN IT!!!!!
  22. Laugh more
  23. Don’t take yourself too seriously. 
  24. Be more financially responsible, you’ve done a good job this year but kick it up a notch 
  25. Draw closer to God.
  26. Be more intentional.
  27. Keep living, keep learning and keep growing. 


  1. Thoughtful and Wonderful statement! I am proud of you. The Lord will cover you with His Glory for ever ijn(amen).

  2. Aww my mosquito! 27yrs and counting!
    Hehhe..@ no 17..told ya!
    so no 19,you have not said that to me!!

    (of course you know who this is...)


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